What are the Requirements for China Tourist Visa Application?


ChineseTourist Visa is issued to aliens who plan to visit China fortour. Visitors can apply Chinese Visa from overseas countries,at entry port on arrival or in China.






Originalpassport with a validity of at least 6 months, and at least one blankvisa pages left. Also, make one copy of the data page & photopage, previous visa pages.


Ifyou already use a new passport, a valid Chinese Tourist Visa is stillin the old passport, you are allowed to use the two passport togetherto visit China if your purpose of visit remains the same.


2.China Visa Application Form


Applicantsin certain 40 countries (regions) can fill in electronic form onoffice website of China Visa Application Service Center (CVASC).Others can either complete form online or go to visa office ofChinese Embasssy or Consulate to get the latest application form (v.2013).


Yourpersonal information and travel related details should be givencompletely and correctly. Visa officers will verify carefully todetermine whether approve your entry.


3.Visa Photo


Two recently-taken(within the past 6 months) front passport-size bareheaded colorphotos. The photos need to taken against a white or light solidbackground, hatless, frontal view presenting full face. One photoshall be attached on the printed visa application form.


PaperPhoto Size: 33mm×48mm


DigitalPhoto Size: horizontal: 354 - 420 pixels, vertical: 472 - 560pixels


4.Proofof Legal Stay or Residence (apply to outlander applicants)


Providethe original and photocopy of the valid certificate or visa, whichshows your legal stay, residence, work and study in the residingcountry (not in your home country).


5.Previous Chinese Passport or Chinese Visa (apply to former Chinesecitizens who later joined to foreign nationality)


Submitthe original passport and a copy of the passport’s date page,if it’s the first time you apply for a Chinese Visa.


Ifyou once obtained Chinese Visa, and now apply a new one with a newpassport, you please provide the photocopy of the previous passport’sdate page, and the old Chinese Visa. (Official certificate of namechange is needed, if the name on the current passport is not the sameon the old passport.)




Relavanttravel documents showing the itinerary, including bookedrefundable round-trip air tickets and hotelreservation record, proposed travel schedules and elsematerials, or an invitation letter issued by a relevantentity or individual in China.


ChinaTourist Visa Invitation Letter


Invitationletter is one of the optional supporting documents for China TouristVisa Application. To some extent, an InvitationLetter will help to explain your travel purpose, if you areindeed invited to visit China by friends, family or authorized travelagency. The letter should cover the following informations:


a. Informationon the applicant (passport number, nationality, full name, gender,date of birth, etc.)


b. Informationon the planned tour (departure and arrival dates, places going to bevisited, etc.)


c. Informationon the inviting entity or individual (the host company name orinviter’s name, contact telephone number, address, officialseal of the unit, signature of the legal representative or theinviting individual, and so on.)


Pleasevisit Required& Supporting Documents for China Visa, if you apply for othertype of China Visa, such as, China Business Visa, China Work Visa,etc.


How Do I Apply for A Tourist Visa to China?


Onceknow what documents are needed, let’s move to the mostimportant processes for submission.


STEP1: Check passport status, make photocopy of data page, used visapages;


Prepareothers travel materials, e.g. flight tickets, hotel booking record,rough travel itinerary, etc. If you have an true and valid invitationletter, provide it as well.


STEP2: Fill in visa application form, print it out, paste one photoon the paper application form, and sign and write down the submissiondate;


STEP3: Make online appointment, if you’re required to submitto China Visa Application Service Center (CVASC). Please use theapplication form ID to schedule appointment in advance.


Elseapplicants may visit visa section of overseas Chinese Embassy orConsulates during office hours. (you can check updated time onofficial website)


STEP4: Bring all prepared documents, visit the right authority,CVASC or Chinese Embassy/Consulatem, wait for your order andsubmit. Pay visa fees and get a pick-up slip.


STEP5: Collect passport and Chinese Visa (if granted successfully)back after tracing it has been processed and wait for pick up. Withthe slip, you may pick it up in person or entrust your friend,family, travel agency for help.


How Long does It Take to Get A Tourist Visa to China?


ChineseEmbassy and Consulate will start to process your application untilall required documents submitted. Regularapplication takes about 4 working days, which you may pickup on the 4th or 5th working day. Express Service takesaround 2-3 working days, that means, you may collect on the 3rd to4th working day. Rush Service generally needs nearly 1working day for processing, and applicants may obtain on the secondworking day. Same Day Rush Service for emergency entry is offered forapplicants in US.




1.)Express and Rush Service are not available in all foreign countries.If you want to use the services, please check on official website. Ifit’s valid, extra fees will be charged.


2.)If you apply for China Tourist Visa by mail in Australia, it takes atleast 10 working days for processing, postal time is excluded.


3.)Visa processing time is listed for reference only, accurate timedepends on personal situations. Chinese Embassy and Consulate mayrequire supplementary materials if necessary.


FAQs and Useful Tips about Chinese Tourist Visa


Q1:Is it easy to get a Chinese Tourist Visa?


It’shard to say it’s easy or not to get a Chinese Tourist Visa,because there is no guarantee of issurance of a Chinese Visa, underany circumstances. Our advice is that, prepare all needed documentsas required for maxmium success.


Q2:Where should US citizens apply for a China Tourist Visa?


Holdersof US passports should submit application to corresponding ChineseEmbassy or Consulate which is in charge of your area. If you residein Washington DC, Montana, North Carolina, Virginia, you shall applyat Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C., and if you live in New York,New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, visit Consute in NewYork.


Q3:Does Singaporean need visa for travel to China?


Accordingto relevant China’s laws and regulations, citizens fromSingapore may enjoy 15-day visa-free entry to China if hego for business, tour or family visit.You will need a Chinese Visawith intention to overstay and travel for other purposes.


Q4:What’s the maximum stay of a China Tourist Visa?


Theaccurate length of permitted stay is clearly marked on the visa pageof your passport, which is normally 30 days. That means holder canstay in China for up to 30 days. The time counts from the 00:00the day after entry and till 24:00 of the last day. Pleaseenter before the “Valid For Entry By”, otherwise it willbe expired and null.


Ifyou will stay in China more than regular 30 days, you’resuggested to make it clear on the application form, and shown inrelated travel itinerary.

